Durrat Almanal for Development and Training (DMDT)
DMDT was established as a Not for Profit Company on November 2016, and registered at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, registration number: 200157200.
Founding members and management: Manal Alwazani & Dr. Sawsan Majali
Vision, Mission, Values and Objectives
Our Vision: Creating opportunities, where everyone achieves their fullest potential through participating and contributing to building a better community.
Our Mission: Empowering and developing capacities and skills of individuals, organizations and communities; enhancing their leadership skills to create a better life for themselves and future generations, through the implementation of studies, initiatives, projects and programs.
Our Values:
- Accountability
We take personal responsibility for our actions and decisions, for using our resources efficiently, for achieving measurable results, and for being accountable to clients, partners and to the communities we serve.
- Excellence
We will always do what we say we willو and strive for excellence and quality in everything we do, we will hold ourselves to high standards and seek to hold others to similar standards as the ones we set for ourselves.
- Collaboration:
We place high value on our dynamic interaction and cooperation with our partners and networks, and we seek to create new partnerships and alliances, all this will allow us to leverage our strength and our expertise in all that we do.
- Creativity:
We are always open to exploring new ideas, embracing change, and working to develop and create innovative programs and initiatives that best serve our beneficiaries and communities.
- Integrity
We pride ourselves in being open, honest and accountable in our relationships with all our clients and beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders.
- Transparency
We pledge that our basic financial information, governance structure, activities and partnerships are open to public scrutiny.
- Professionalism
We commit ourselves to carry out our activities in a professional and ethical manner focusing on empowering others and maintaining the highest standards of trustworthiness and reliability. We will always put our clients and beneficiaries first.
Our Objectives
Durrat AlManal for Development and Training aims to develop and build the capacity of individuals, organizations and communities through the implementation of development and humanitarian programs utilizing a human rights’ based approach in the following areas:
- Child Development
Developing programs and projects focused on children’s education, protection, child rights, as well as nutrition and health.
- Youth Empowerment
Youth programs in key areas such as: leadership and life skills, self and economic empowerment, and promotion of volunteerism.
- Women’s Development
Working with women to provide them with knowledge and tells for their self, social and economic, health empowerment, and protection.
- Elderly
Promoting a sense of worth among the elderly by providing various opportunities for them to unleash their potentials, and further their contribution to society. Encourage the elderly to actively participate in both community affairs and building an age-friendly community.
- Organizational Development
Empower the civil society by building their capacity to hold the government accountable in the areas of service delivery, corruption, human rights and civil rights; to support NGOs to establish sustainable channels of dialogue and partnership between them and the government to ensure that civil society is involved during policy-making processes. Capacity building in the areas of project development and implementation, management and crisis management, tracking and monitoring, leadership skills and governance.
- Community development
Conduct community assessment, research, and monitoring and evaluation in the following areas: women, children, and youth.
Brief History of the Company
Durrat Almanal for Development and Training was established as a nonprofit company with the mission of empowering and developing skills and capacities of individuals, communities and organizations in Jordan and the Region, taking into consideration the national agendas, 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and other development strategies.
Our involvement in the community stems from our belief that any development model should follow a bottom-up approach, where the community is the core and owner of its destiny. Our support will be through providing consultations, assessing needs of organizations and communities, strategic and action planning, programing and budgeting, capacity building, mentoring and coaching, and monitoring and evaluation of projects and activities. In addition, DMDT will utilize research to inform, monitor and evaluate all its activities and programs.
Capitalizing on local, regional, and international expertise and in partnership with NGOs, CBOs and stakeholders, our goal is to meet the needs of the community and empower them, develop a sense of ownership and sustainability of their activities and projects. This will be realized by utilizing evidence and best practices.
Our programs will focus on meeting local and regional development and humanitarian needs in the fields of Education, Health and Nutrition, Child and Family Protection, Livelihoods, Advocacy, and Fundraising, for the following age groups: Early Childhood, Youth, Women and Elderly with an emphasis on self and economic empowerment and social protection
Since October 2016 until the present DMDT has led and implemented several projects with a mission of sharing the knowledge and experience that the founding members have gained throughout the years to support the organizations and individuals both in capacity building and in knowledge transfer.
Al Yusur Project-Moringa tree (Feb 2017- ). Responding to the poverty and malnutrition and Anemia in the southern Jordan valley (Ghor hadithah and Mazra) DMDT started an innovative sustainable replicable five years Alysusr program, funded by Iqbal a local corporation (phase 1) and the Embassy of the Netherlands (phase 2). DMDT began by establishing a 4000 Moringa tree farm on 30 dunums of land. A Moringa processing plant and café with the goal of enhancing the health and nutrition, economic status of the community will be established. This will be accomplished through providing new work opportunities for more than 100 women and youth in agriculture, Moringa products processing and packaging (green leaves, tea, oil, powder), agri-tourism, cooking, selling, marketing, while receiving different types of trainings by specialists in different areas.
Institutional Capacity for NGOs/CBOs Working in Four Camps for Palestinians on Child Protection (Jan-April 2019), funded by UNICEF. Mapping and assessing capacity gap analyses report of all NGOs/CBOs in 4 Palestinian refugee camps. Increased Institutional capacity of selected NGOs/CBOs & UNRWA in 4 refugee camps on: Good governance management, child protection SOP and referrals pathways and case management. Establish functional referral pathways in all 4 camps linked with UNRWA services. A clear multiagency, multi-sectoral coordination platform established in each camp together with UNRWA.
Costed Implementation Plan- Family Planning for Jordan (Oct. 2018-April, 2019). Dr. Sawsan Majali, national consultant for Jordan-Communication Advocacy Program, USAID. Lead a consultative process towards development of a country owned FP CIP. The FP CIP would be built on a comprehensive understanding of the family planning (FP) issues, gaps, and opportunities at the service delivery, program, and policy levels in Jordan and follows the fundamental elements of sound FP program design.
Policy brief: Alternative Measures to Reduce Child Marriages (April-May 2018). Dr. Sawsan Majali and Judge Feda Hmoud consultant to Jordanian National Commission for Women.
Situation Analysis of Midwifery in Jordan (Oct. 2017-Nov. 2018) funded by Jordan-Communication Advocacy Project (USAID). Assess the situation of Midwifery in Jordan (legislation, education, practice & governance), support the revision of the Midwifery Law 1959 and preparation of a transition plan for Midwifery education to bachelor’s degree.
Community Service as an Alternative Punishment (April-Oct. 2018). Human rights project, 2018 grant has been awarded to DMDT by the Swiss Embassy. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of judges, behavior monitors and CSOs on the implementation of Community Service as an Alternative Punishment as well as build the capacity of CSOs to pilot test a program to accommodate community services programs for juveniles within their activities. Training of juvenile judges, behavior monitors, CSOs has been implemented. A training manual has been developed. Juveniles received community services alternative measure sentences by the Juvenile court judges.
Enhancing Support for Justice Sector Reform in Jordan (July 2017- June 2018). DMDT was responsible for Establishing and leading the steering committee for the Justice project in cooperation with ARRD, funded by EU. The overall objective of the project was to engage the Jordanian public in the ongoing justice sector reform process by raising awareness and support among general and professional audiences for selected reform initiatives. DMDT is responsible for the creation of Steering Committee containing key representatives of relevant governmental and civil society institutions as well as justice sector practitioners. Carrying out Roundtables and Write-shop to identify key messages to be used in the multi-level outreach campaign in order to raise awareness and support for selected justice sector reform initiatives.
CBO Mapping, Outreach and Assessment of the Civil Society Organizations Working with Children in Jordan (September-November 2017). A program funded by UNICEF: to identify potential community based organizations (CBO) and national NGOs to engage in a UNICEF capacity building program, which will be designed to support those organizations to efficiently, effectively and equitably deliver results for children in Jordan, covering all 12 governorates.
Fostering a Culture of Responsibility and Accountability for the Purpose of Improving the Learning Environment in Jordan (November 2016- January 2017). Consultancy contract, for providing technical support for the policy paper and the end of contract event for the program. The policy paper has been disseminated and shared with all the relevant stakeholders; covering the legal frame, school environment and parents’ involvement in the education process of their children, along with the accountability of the government and the society towards education.