Moringa Recipes
Moringa Recipes كتاب وصفات المورينجا تهديكم شركة درة المنال كتاب وصفات تغذوية مفيدة ولذيدة لتمكنكم من الإستمتاع بمنتجات مورينجا درة المنال في مطبخكم ووصفاتكم[…]
Hajar Al-Awnah, a worker at the Al-Yusr Development Project
Short video about Hajar who works as a farmer, also she works at the processing plant, also she markets the MORINGA products during bazars, she[…]
Our Achievements
Since October 2016 until the present DMDT has led and implemented several projects with a mission of sharing the knowledge and experience that the founding[...]